
开云app官网下载手机版-十五年陈酿花雕酒 经心炮制金秋大闸蟹

文章出处:开云app官网下载手机版 人气:发表时间:2023-12-07 00:34
本文摘要:醉美大闸蟹Drunken Hairy Crab十五年陈酿花雕酒 经心炮制金秋大闸蟹Autumnal Delicacy - Hair Crab culinary with 15-year-oldPremium Aged Chinese Yellow Rice Wine金秋大闸蟹与15年陈酿花雕酒摩擦出火花Hairy Crab Crossover with Rice Wine青壳白肚、金爪黄毛的大阳澄湖大闸蟹,蟹肉、蟹膏、蟹黄各具其味。


醉美大闸蟹Drunken Hairy Crab十五年陈酿花雕酒 经心炮制金秋大闸蟹Autumnal Delicacy - Hair Crab culinary with 15-year-oldPremium Aged Chinese Yellow Rice Wine金秋大闸蟹与15年陈酿花雕酒摩擦出火花Hairy Crab Crossover with Rice Wine青壳白肚、金爪黄毛的大阳澄湖大闸蟹,蟹肉、蟹膏、蟹黄各具其味。但因蟹属寒性,食蟹可配一些暖性的工具,清远狮子湖喜来登度假旅店精选十五年年陈酿花雕酒替代传统姜汁烹饪大闸蟹,赋予大闸蟹菜品新的生命力。Hairy crab is the most sought-after ingredients on autumnal delicacy and Yangcheng lake hairy crab are considered to be among the tastiest, distinctive by its green shell, white belly and the brown fur merrily coating their front pinchers, as well as revered for their richly fragrant roe and succulent golden fat. Hairy Crab flesh is perilously cold thus must be balanced with warming drinks, which is why Sheraton Qingyuan lion lake Resort had selected a flask of 15-year-old premium aged Chinese yellow rice wine to enhancing the flavor and salted meat.传统与创新并存Traditional & Creational清远狮子湖喜来登度假旅店采悦轩中餐厅“醉美大闸蟹”系列菜品,每道大闸蟹菜品均选用阳澄湖四至五两大闸蟹与十五年陈酿花雕酒,种种创新的烹饪方式刺激你的味蕾。



秋意渐浓,9至10月,清远狮子湖喜来登旅店,“醉”美大闸蟹,等您来尝鲜!YUE Chinese restaurant is featuring an array of fusion creative hairy crab dishes in the latest delicacy series - “Drunken Hairy Crab”. Each hairy crab dishes select the optimal weight around 200 to 250 grams with fermented glutinous 15-year-old premium aged Chinese yellow rice wine, freshly steamed with basil and served with sips of Chinese yellow rice wine that will bring out the hint of sweetness in the meat. Besides, homemade chili sauce, marinated hairy crab with Qingyuan chicken oil and aged rice wine, Hairy crab roe Fried rice, combine with local cooking techniques with creative fine-dining inspiration has make this “Drunken Hairy Crab “series a truly savor in this Autumn.。





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